This Section aims to inform about the books, texts, people etc., that in a way or another, directly or indirectly,…
Ideas Rule the World “Hear (…) the old, old axiom that ‘Ideas rule the world’; and as men’s minds receive…
ABHEDANANDA, Swami. Evangelho de Ramakrishna (The Gospel of Ramakrishna). São Paulo, Ed. Pensamento, 1995. 223 pp. BACON, Francis – Novum…
Abhedananda, Swami Adept (one of the Mahatmas) Augustine, Saint Arnold, Matthew Bacon, Francis Barker, A.T. Besant, Annie W. Blavatsky, Helena P. Buck, J.D.…
PRESENTATION — WHO ARE WE? — CONTACT ► PRESENTATION This website “Buddhist Christianity”, as well as the sites Anna Kingsford,…