ABHEDANANDA, Swami. Evangelho de Ramakrishna (The Gospel of Ramakrishna). São Paulo, Ed. Pensamento, 1995. 223 pp.

BACON, Francis – Novum Organum: Instauratio Magna (New Instrument: The Great Renewal; or, True Suggestions for the Interpretation of Nature) – Project Gutemberg’s free online copy. Link to free online copy.
BACON, Francis – Of the Proficience and Advancement of Learning, Divine and Humane. London, CASSELL & COMPANY, 1893. Link to free online copy.

BARKER, A.T., comp. The Mahatma Letters to A.P. SinnettPasadena, Theosophical University Press, 1975. 589 pp. Link to free online copy.

BESANT, Annie. “Brotherhood Applied to Social Conditions” ( pp. 75-102), in The Changing World & Lectures to Theosophical Students – London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. 333 pp. Link to free online copy.
BESANT, Annie – The Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students. London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. 333 pp. Link to free online copy.
BESANT, Annie. Esoteric Christianity. Quest Books, 2nd ed, 2006. 302 pp. Link to free online copy.

BESANT, Annie. The Ideals of Theosophy (Convention Lecturers, 1911). Adyar, The Theosophist Office, 1912. 130 pp. Link to free online copy.
BESANT, Annie (as Chairwoman of All Parties Conference” and of National Convention” (1925), with the participation of representatives of Home Rule Club” and of India Women’s Association”) Proposal of Costitution Law: The Commonwealth of India Bill (National Convention), 1925. Link to free online copy.
BESANT, Annie. Seven Great Religions (Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Sidhism). Adyar, TPH, 1992. 296 pp.
BESANT, Annie. The Spiritual Life (Vol. II). LondonThe Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912. 296 pp. Link to free online copy.

BLAVATSKY, Helena P. The Key to Theosophy. Bombay (Mumbai), Theosophy Company, 1987. 367 pp.
BLAVATSKY, Helena P. Collected Writings. Wheaton, TPH, 1985. 14 Volumes.

BUDDHA. The Dhammapada. Buddha Dharma Association (Tanissaro Bikkhu), Valley Center, CA, 1998. 184 pp. Internet Edition. Link to free online copy.

CONVERSE, Philip E. The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics. Em: APTER, D. E., org. Ideology and Discontent. New York, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. pp. 206-261. Link to free online copy.

DOM BOSCO. Volume XVI of Dom Bosco’s “Memorie Biografiche”, the first edition of which was published in 1935 (E. CERIA, Memorie Biografiche di S. Giovanni Bosco, vol. 16, Societa Editrice Internazionale, Torino, 1935).

DUVERGER, Maurice. The Political Parties. Hoboken (NJ), USA, 1959. 350 pp.

GRIFFITHS, Bede. Return to the Centre. USA, Collins, 1976. 154 pp. (Mainly chapter 12: The Buddha, Krishna and Christ)
GRIFFITHS, Bede. The Golden String — The Autobiography of Bede Griffiths. Image Books, New York, 1964. 187 pp.

GROVE, Daisy E. The Mystery Teaching of the Bible. London, TPH, 1962. 120 pp.

HART, Samuel H. The Food of Man: Regarded as a Spiritual Being. Samuel H. Hart. Texto de palestra para a Sociedade Vegetariana de Croydon (Inglaterra), novembro de 1933. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Anna Kingsford and Vegetarianism. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger & Health Review, April 1931, p. 106. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Anna Kingsford: Her Life and Work. Pamphlet. Part of the content of this pamphlet was originally contained in articles in Light, September 1930, pp. 472, 486 and 508. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Edward Maitland and Vegetarianism. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger, January 1932. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Edward Maitland: His Life and Work. Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science Ltd., Vol. X. No. 4. January 1932. (pp. 274-283). Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Food and Character, abridged version. This version was published as a pamphet by the London Vegetarian Society, and also in The Vegetarian News, December 1928. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Food and Character, complete version. Booklet containing the complete text of a lecture to the Croydon Vegetarian Society, November 1928. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Food and Illumination. This article was published in The Vegetarian Messenger, September 1920, pp. 39-42. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. In Memoriam Anna Kingsford. Booklet published by The Leeds Vegetarian Society, Leeds, 1947: Containing the full text, with some additions by the author, of a Lecture given to the Leeds Vegetarian Society on September 15th, 1946, to commemorate the Centenary of the birth of Anna Kingsford. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. In Memoriam to the Rev. G. J. R. Ouseley Text written in Ilfracombe (Devon, England), 1952. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Preface to the Third Edition (Dreams and Dream-Stories). John M. Watkins, London, 1908, pp. 07-15. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. The Ancients and Vegetarianism. Article published in The Vegetarian News, December 1921. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. The Crucifixion of “The Woman”. This letter was published in The Vegetarian of 15th February 1896. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. The Food of Man. Text of a lecture to the Croydon Vegeterian Society, November 1933. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. The Food of Perfection. This article was published in The Comet, 17th April 1937 (The Comet is a Nigerian publication). Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. The Late Mr. Edward Maitland. This article was published in Light, 16th October 1897. Link to free online copy.
HART, Samuel H. Why Be a Vegetarian? The first part of this lecture was published in The Vegetarian News, November 1925. Link to free online copy.

HODSON, Geoffrey. The Concealed Wisdom in World Mythology. Adyar, TPH, 1983. 219 pp
HODSON, Geoffrey. The Hidden Wisdom in the Holy Bible. Adyar, TPH, 1991. (four volumes) Vol. I, 292 pp.; Vol. II 408 pp.; Vol III, 345 pp.; Vol. IV, 375 pp.

JINARAJADASA, C. My Brother’s Keeper. Adyar, lecture published by the Theosophical  Society. Adyar, 1950. 4 pp. Free online copy on this site.
JINARAJADASA, C., comp. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 1st Series. Adyar, TPH, 1973. 183 pp. Free online copy on this site.
JINARAJADASA, C., comp. Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, 2nd Series. Adyar, TPH, 1973. 189 pp. Free online copy on this site.

JOHNSTON, William. Christian Zen: A Way of Meditation. New York, Fordham University Press, 1997. 134 pp.

KERSTEN, Holger and GRUBER, Elmar R. The Original Jesus: The Buddhist Sources of Christianity. Rockport, MA USA, Element Books Ltd, 1996. 274 pp.

KHARISHNANDA, Yogi. O Evangelho de Buda (The Gospel of Buddha). São Paulo, Ed. Pensamento, 1999. 184 pp.

KINGSFORD, Anna e MAITLAND, Edward. Addresses and Essays on Vegetarianism. Editado por Samuel Hopgood Hart. Londres, John M. Watkins, 1912. 227 pp. Link to Free online copy.
KINGSFORD, Anna e MAITLAND, Edward. The Credo of Christendom: and other Addresses and Essays on Esoteric Christianity. Edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart. Londres, John M. Watkins, 1916. 256 pp. Link to Free online copy.
KINGSFORD, Anna and MAITLAND, Edward. The Perfect Way; or, the Finding of Christ. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1882. Second revised and enlarged edition: London, Field and Tuer, 1887. Fifth edition, with additions, and long Biographical Preface by Samuel Hopgood Hart: London, John M. Watkins, 1923. 405 pp. Link to free download copy.

KINGSFORD, Anna. Clothed With The Sun: Being the Book of the Illuminations of Anna Kingsford. Edited by Edward Maitland. First edition: London, John M. Watkins, 1889. Second edition: Birmingham, The Ruskin Press, 1906. Third Edition: edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart, 1937. Santa Fe, Sun Books (reprint), 1993. 210 pp. Link to free online copy.
KINGSFORD, Anna. Dreams and Dream-Stories. Edited by Edward Maitland. Second Edition: London, George Redway, 1888. 281 pp. Link to free online copy.
Intima Sacra: a Manual of Esoteric Devotion. Compiled by E. M. Forsyth. David Stott, London: 370, Oxford Street, W. 1891. 163 pp. This book is a compilation of texts from the writings by Dr. Anna Kingsford. Link to free online copy.
KINGSFORD, Anna. The Perfect Way in Diet. Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London, 1881. 121 pp. Second edition: 1906. Link to free online copy.
Anna. The Virgin of the World. Translation of hermetic manuscripts. With introductory essays and notes by Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. George Redway, London, 1885. Link to free online copy.

KRISHNAMURTI, J. At the Feet of the Master. Adyar, TPH, 2004. 57 pp. Link to free online copy.
KRISHNAMURTI, J. Krishnamurti’s Notebook. Madras (Chennai), Krishnamurti Foundation India, 1976. 252 pp.
KRISHNAMURTI, J. This Matter of Culture. Krishnamurti Foundation India, edited by D. Rajagopal, 1992. 224 pp.

LEADBEATER, C.W. A Gnose Cristã (The Christian Gnosis). Brasília, Ed. Teosófica, 1994. 252 pp.
LEADBEATER, C.W. The Christian Creed. Kessinger Publishing, 2010. 184 pp. Link to free online copy.

MacINNES, Elaine (Sr. OLM). Teaching Zen to Christians. Manila, TPH, 1993. 113 pp.

MACPHERSON, C.B. The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979.  119 pp.

MAITLAND, Edward. The Life of Anna Kingsford: Her Life, Letters, Diary and Work. Two volumes. George Redway, London, 1896. 3rd edition, edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart: John M. Watkins, London, 1913. Vol. I, 442 pp.; Vol. II,  466 pp. Link to free online copy.
MAITLAND, Edward (editor). A Message to Earth. Published anonymously (Edward Maitland). Published together with the writings recognized as appertaining to the “New” Gospel of Interpretation. London, Lamley & Co., 1 & 3 Exhibition Road, S.W., 1892. 93 pp. Link to free online copy.
MAITLAND, Edward. The “New Gospel of Interpretation”: Being an Abstract of the Doctrine and a Statement of the Origin, Object, Basis, Method and Scope of the Esoteric Christian Union. Published by the Esoteric Christian Union, whose President-Founder was Edward Maitland. London, Lamley & Co., 1892. 93 pp. Link to free online copy.
MAITLAND, Edward. The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and of the New of Interpretation. Birmingham, The Ruskin Press, 1905. 204 pp. Link to free online copy.

McCRIE, Bertram. The Living Truth in Christianity. John M. Watkins, London: 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, 1915. 43 pp. A little book written as an introduction to the message of Dr. Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland. Link to free online copy.

MERTON, Thomas (A well known Christian writer and mystic). Místicos e Mestres Zen (Zen Mystics and Masters). Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Civilização Brasileira, 1972. 305 pp.

PLATO. The Republic. The Gutemberg Project. Free online copy. Link to free online copy.

SCHLICKEYSEN, Gustav. Fruit and Bread: A Scientific Diet. Dansville, N.Y. USA, Austin, Jackson & Co., 1877. 227 pp. Link to free online copy.

SCHUMACHER, Ernest F. Small Is Beautiful. London, Abacus, 1973. 255 pp.

SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. The Democracy of the Future and the Dream-Vision of Dom Bosco. You can read the complete copy of this text: Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. Theosophy and Universal Brotherhood: Decisive Elements to the Glory or to the Failure of the Theosophical Society. Brasília, Second Edition (published in the Anna Kingsford Site), 2009. Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. Unity and Diversity in the Religious Traditions. (What Is Wrong With Politics?; chapter II). Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. What Is Wrong With Politics? (Bases for a True Democracy)Brasília, Wheel and Cross Collection, 2024. Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo. Why the “Anna Kingsford Site” Was Created? (Longer Version). You can read the complete copy of this text: Link to free online copy.

SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo; with PEREIRA, Viviane. Anna Kingsford, Buddhist Christianity and Vegetarianism. Summary of interview published in Revista dos Vegetarianos (June, 2009). Year 3, Number 32, pp. 18-20. Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo; with PEREIRA, Viviane. The Relation Between Religion and Social Organization. Second part of the sixth chapter of the book The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity, pp. 217-239. Link to free online copy.
SISSON FILHO, Arnaldo; com PEREIRA, Viviane. [Portuguese] A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Brasília, Wheel and Cross Collection, 2012. Link to free online copy.

SISSON, Marina Cesar. [Portuguese] A Esfinge Helena Blavatsky (The Sphinx Helena Blavatsky). Published by the author. Brasília, 2003. 307 pp. Link to free online copy.
SISSON, Marina Cesar. [Spanish] Complete Spanish translation of the Portuguese original work, in the Dropbox site – La Esfinge Helena Blavatsky (PDF). Link to free online copy.
SISSON, Marina Cesar. Anna Kingsford and Helena Blavatsky. Revised and enlarged text based in numbers 7, 8 and 9 of the bulletin Informativo HPB. Link to free online copy.
SISSON, Marina Cesar.
Helena Blavatsky and the Enigma of John King. Originally published in Informativo HPB, n° 3, 4 e 5. The material of this text was also published in the work A Esfinge Helena Blavatsky (The Sphinx Helena Blavatsky). Link to free online copy.

SPIERENBURG, H.J. (Compiler). The New Testament Commentaries of H.P. Blavatsky. San Diego, Point Loma Publications, 1987. 343 pp.

SRI RAM, N. On the Watch Tower. Adyar, TPH, 1966. 585 pp.

TAIMNI, Iqbal K. Gayatri: The Daily Religious Practice of the Hindus. Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1978. 213 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal KGlimpses into the Psychology of Yoga. Adyar, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1973. 409 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. An Introduction to Hindu Symbolism. Adyar, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1980. 118 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. Man, God and the Universe. Adyar, TPH, 1969. 299 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. Science and Occultism. Adyar, TPH, 1974. 330 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. The Science of Yoga. Wheaton, TPH, 1981. 446 pp.

WILLIAMS, Jay G. Yeshua Buddha – An Interpretation of New Testament Theology as a Meaningful Myth. Wheaton, Quest Books, 1978. 134 pp.

WILHELM, Richard. I Ching: the Book of ChangesNew York, Pantheon Books, 1952. 395 pp. Link to free online copy.